February 28, 2009

"Vishwaasi" means wat?

Most of the people who look at my e-mail id i.e., vishwaasi@gmail.com , will have the usual question as to Wat vishwaasi means? and why on earth have I kept it as my id?irrelevant to my name!
So I thought,its better to share here the reason.

'vishwaasi', in Kannada, 'ವಿಶ್ವಾಸಿ ' is a person who is immensely faithful,One who always thinks that " when one door shuts, another opens" , also a person who is trustworthy, one who keeps his/her relations alive by displaying compassion and love to others.In short, an optimistic,compassionate,hopeful,trustworthy person.

So we now know Wat a vishwaasi means.But why have I used it in my id?
Do I think I m one such person,a 'ವಿಶ್ವಾಸಿ' ?
Not exactly.I don't think I am a
'ವಿಶ್ವಾಸಿ' by birth,but why not try to become one?that line of thinking itself has led me to the 1st step of optimism and one inch closer to becoming a 'ವಿಶ್ವಾಸಿ' !

I am not worried whether or not I ll become a
'ವಿಶ್ವಾಸಿ' in my lifespan , but I am sure ,in an effort to dig an ocean, I ll ve definitely dug a pond.

ಜೈ ಹಿಂದ್ !

February 25, 2009

Why did I begin a Blog?

Today, I m publishing my first blog.

Why did I feel I should have one of my own?

Well, there could be many reasons for that.

I believe memories whether sweet or bitter are valuable to everyone's life... it feels so good to relive them and it feels even better to share them with others.I found the blog as one simple tool to accomplish this.

Also,the things which matter the most for us are not really the big ones, but small , chota-chota matters.And the most interesting stories are not of great people,but of the lives of common men/women.... and I am one such common man with memories on my back,present in my fist and future in my eyes...

I wish to record my views, ideas, and any little knowledge that I feel cud be of any use to others over here...

U r Welcome to share Ur views...

Note: Some of the contents and information that are published on my blog may be sourced from Internet through various websites or some may have come through e-mails.I hereby wish to clarify that there is no attempt made to copy the contents from any private source and there is no intent for any commercial benefit.I thank all those sources and websites for sharing their knowledge.

"The secret to a rich life is to have more openings than endings..."