August 29, 2009

Logo Quiz - 3


Here's a more interesting logo quiz...

There are 18 letters each taken from the logo of a company/commercial firm/product...

Figure out and have fun. put up your guesses in comments... 

Remember, the letters may not be the starting letters in the respective logos.

The right answers are published below...











T - Times Now Channel

H - HBO channel

E - ESPN sports channel

D - Disney

r - Fair & Lovely 

e - Google

a - Canon

M - Mc Donald's


I - Intel

R - Wipro

D - Dell

S - Infosys

D - Tata Docomo mobile

i - Airtel

A - TATA Indicom

R - Reliance Mobile

Y - Yahoo

August 28, 2009

Logo Quiz - 2

In the above image are 16 letters each taken from the logo of a company or a product... u need to figure out as to which letter comes from which one...

Put up ur guesses in comments...

good luck !!!

( This was used in one of my quiz programmes )

Try out before looking at answers below...











W - Times Now news channel

e - Hero Honda

L - Dell

C - Canon

O - HBO channel

M - Microsoft

E - Siemens

t - Orkut

O - Nokia

i - Airtel


P - Wipro

U - Subway

L - Motorola

S - Disney

E - Google


Logo Quiz 1

In the above image, there are 4 letters each of which is taken from the logo of a popular company or a product. U need to identify as to which letter comes from which one ... 

You can answer in comments...

( This was used in one of my quiz programs... )

The right answers are published below... 









L - LG


g - Google

O - Canon

August 19, 2009

The Death Sentence

coming soon ... the story of mani bhai, a don who escapes two deaths only to fall to 3rd one... "The death Sentence..."