June 23, 2011

Pity the Emotionally numb

Aren't the Emotions wonderful ? Be it the feeling of ur heart getting squeezed sometimes or your eyes filled with tears for no big reason or the uninvited smile on ur cheeks without a purpose... An Emotionally numb man must be pitied more than the mentally or physically numb ones... because he wouldn't even know whether he is a money counter machine or an inexpressive sheep !

A short movie - FIRST KISS - Kannada

June 22, 2011

MYSORE - Grandeur of Cultural Heritage

Live like a Frog

Like fishes, few live in a pond and think that the Deers are lucky to walk on earth and run anywhere they wish to.

Like deers, few are tired of running and wish if they were Birds which are lucky to fly in the sky.

Like birds, although they get to see everyone below, few are bored of watching over others and few are sick of solitude.

To be happy, live like a Frog...

be a tadpole and swim along with fishes;

crawl, walk or sleep off on any corner you like;

enjoy the flight in every hop.

Just make sure you don't end up in a well.